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your web development skills

Stack Up is an Editor-In-Browser tool and Learning platform for Web Development fundamentals.

StackUp is waiting for your code...

Keep learning anywhere with StackUp

Learn web development whenever you want with StackUp as long as you have a browser installed on your device.

StackUp's coding enviroment

StackUp provides a coding environment where you can directly interact with the coding editor and browser for your HTML/CSS/JS code without affecting the contributor's code. You can also see the result in an instant while you code!

Instant error/warning feedback by WHATWG HTML standards

Our coding environment provides an instant feedback or lint for HTML standards mistakes that is widely based by WHATWG

Interact with others in Discussions

Talk and Collaborate with others using our discussion page and connect with everyone in the community.

Be a part of the StackUp community

Come join us and be a part of the StackUp community.
Share your knowledge and skill by providing a courses and tutorials built in to our platform.

The StackUp Team

We are a team of developer and researchers who are passionate about web development and education.
We are dedicated to providing a platform where everyone can learn and share their knowledge.

John Albert Flores @StackUp

John Albert Flores

Developer & Designer @ StackUp

I am thrilled to be a part of the StackUp team and I am excited to also be a contributor and provide a platform where everyone can learn and share their knowledge just like we're at school :)

Clint Zeus Casil @StackUp

Clint Zeus Casil

Researcher @ StackUp

It is a great opportunity to be a part of the StackUp team and I am excited to bring you a platform where we can learn and share our knowledge.

Lexter Mauricio @StackUp

Lexter Mauricio

Researcher @ StackUp

I am so happy to join these two to provide a platform where everyone can learn and share their knowledge. It's a great opportunity to be a part of the StackUp team.

Keep StackingUp!